grobinette: Eurasian Collared Dove
Deborah Freeman: SEo in situ
SKeysImages: Titmouse2110aCS
SKeysImages: WOD230321dCS
SKeysImages: SWSP2310aCS
tfells: P0A2058-Vermillion Flycatcher
SKeysImages: HoodedMerg21031n
rmikulec: Bouncing from Tree to Tree
Dr DAD (Daniel A D'Auria MD): Stylish Accoutrements C7A4114
SASPhotography67: Profile of a Phantom…
Jerry_a: Red Fox Family
Khurram Khan...: Murder muffin
grobinette: Golden-crowned Sparrow
rmikulec: Barred.
Gord Sawyer: Bald Eagle
grobinette: Band-tailed Pidgeon
grobinette: California Quail
grobinette: California Quail
grobinette: California Quail
legoman1691: Goldfinch
legoman1691: Great tit
SASPhotography67: Frosty Grizz…
wild prairie man: 1103_0506 Long-tailed Duck
Jim Beers: Redhead
grobinette: Western Bluebird
grobinette: Northern Mockingbird
J.Hunter Photography: Dall Sheep Ram
J.Hunter Photography: Dall Sheep Ram