Midori (K): You Made Me Believe in Magic
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Staring Contest
安頭(金門): 晨起邁步麥田
葉 正道 Ben: 童乩 Spirit Medium
lcolquitt997: Yellow-rumped warbler (Setophaga coronata)
左 撇子: 23110001
MichelleSimonJadaJana: Belong to the Beach.
Liz_photo: After the Winter... 冬季之後…
PeskyMesky: Lone Shell
pascalcolin1: The hands in the pockets
筱山青作 oldlens slow photo: NIKON ED 70-300mm f4.5-5.6
tsukasa*: 1216 Ektar100-30397216
tsukasa*: 1211 奥津渓の秋 Ektar100-30397213
Riccardo Maria Mantero: Early moring drama
Dmitriy Ryabov: afternoon tea
-gregg-: the fog
elsableda: Untitled
cmuska1979: BN4A7823
Anna Kwa: Goodnight Moon
hernanpba: Coca Cola
christian mu: snakes on a plane
Crusade.: www.instagram.com/leemaishun