avempace2: IMG_9952
jlcummins: Female Red Shafted Northern Flicker, Colaptes auratus
Chuck Hantis: Canada and Cackling Goose
Mobile Lynn: Common Buzzard 901_7566.jpg
Hugo von Schreck: Lynx - Luchs
Lens and Shutter: A road shot.
leewoods106: Little hopper
tresed47: Little Boy Blue
Gi.Sartori: Here Comes The Swan
Dimitris_M: Thessaloniki
ralfkai41: autumn carpet - Herbstteppich
claudialohmanns: Start in den Sonnenaufgang
Karlbobski: Leaf Beetles
- AdelheidS Photography -: Lago Antorno in Autumn
AndreaPucci: La guerra dei mondi / The War of the Worlds (Maunsell Forts, Kent, United Kingdom)
Bob Eade: Purple-edged Copper (Lycaena hippothoe).
ruthpphoto: Great Horned Owlets
mesocyclone70: Finally
Dbvry: Montenegro vieuw from cabin
Jangada2011: Alvéola Amarela // Motacilla Flava // Yellow Wagtail
Chri-stian: Eurasian Penduline Tit
bugman11: "Zygaena filipendulae"
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-22-2255-Agrius convolvuli
Alain-46: Crabier chevelu - Ardeola ralloides - Squacco Heron - Rallenreiher - Garcilla cangrejera - Sgarza ciuffetto
Larry D James: Kestrel male
Pavel Pronin: Spring 2022
Paris Penikis Photography: Nature is always the refuge of the soul.