ruthlesscrab: Power Poles in a Puddle
ruthlesscrab: Mendel’s Peas
amy's antics: Today is Welsh Rarebit Day. 247/2020
amy's antics: Special memories
ruthlesscrab: Copper Wire Wrap Necklace with Tomato Cabuchons and Elegant Pepper Marquise – and Cabbage Fascinator
ricko: My New Apple Watch
Studio d'Xavier: Still Life with Spectacles
amy's antics: Just the thing to wear when popping to the shops
InTheMind: Bordering Perception
ruthlesscrab: Billy Ramone at the Kazoo Hotel
amy's antics: Nothing but the best
dnskct: The Upside of the Downside of the Inside-Outside Upside Downside
amy's antics: Brolly from Wales
Studio d'Xavier: Facial Covering
Thirsty Hrothgar: Lost umbrella, Part 1b
clifflef: Charlotte
Oh Kaye: School Bell at Sunrise
amy's antics: Lindt Bells
Mickster.: Gears
Studio d'Xavier: “You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.” ― Alan Moore
InTheMind: Black Hole Sun
SolanoSnapper: Look Up!
amy's antics: Repair work
evaxebra: Day 4929
amy's antics: Setting up
SolanoSnapper: It Hurts So Good!
ruthlesscrab: Une bouchée de pain...
Studio d'Xavier: Tribulation
amy's antics: Finishing touches
amy's antics: It's all in Black and White