RemusMoise: Papilio air dance
RemusMoise: Pelicanos
RemusMoise: Phylloscopus collybita/Mosquitero
RJSchutDigitaal: Klaverblauwtje - Mazarine Blue - Rotklee-Bläuling - Cyaniris semiargus
Wild Planet Photography: Grouse by Simon Roy
richard_morel: Petite nyctale / Northern Saw-whet Owl
賞景者 Jeff Lin: 2K8A9516 靈灰蝶 Psychonotis caelius, female
Lydia Fravel: Common Mestra (Mestra amymone) National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County Texas
Lydia Fravel: Common Mestra (Mestra amymone) National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County Texas
Pixelda: January Snow - Gayle
Charaxes14: Lycaena helle
Lost Runes: Lost in a winter dream
Pixelda: The Great Sleddale Beck - Winter
Dave Massey Photography: Icy Crummock Water
creaturesnapper: Hermeuptychia canthe
Chantal Jacques Photography: Dunlin on the go
jaytee27: Common Grass Yellow - Eurema hecabe
Lydia Fravel: Dorantes Longtail (Urbanus dorantes) National Butterfly Center, Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas
pauldunn52: Stranger on the shore
SASPhotography67: Creek Crossing…
....Daniel....: Golondrina tijerita.
Bergman, Anders: Bohemian Waxwing
R R G 2: Golden morning
billoddie3: Puffin, Fratercula Arctica
glostopcat: Nuthatch - Cannop Ponds
davolly59: Waxwing duo