Phil Gower Bird Photography: Sand Martin (URN: 2134)
jasoneariss: _R3A8466
Kingy2013: Waxwing in Flight 3
Maik Kregel: Silberreiher
naturethroughanikon: Dont you dare come any closer
Steve Murnan Photography: Woodchat Shrike
bett_atherton: Red Stag in Richmond Park
Adrian davey2012: Bank Vole eating garden flowers
PHOTOGRAPHY STARTS WITH P.H.: Male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Timothy Gilbert: Wistman's Wood
karenblow: Grasshopper warbler
cruso2: R7G_9176
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Squacco Heron (URN: 2101)
pedro2324: "An Apple A Day" Blue tit on an apple. Photographed yesterday at Lowell Dam, Plymouth.
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Peregrine Falcon (URN: 1845)
badger2028: Great crested grebe
cruso2: IMG_1096
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Chiffchaff (URN: 1681)
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Bearded Reedling (URN: 1879)
peterspencer49: Northern Lights, Norway
Brian Dunning: Redwing
bett_atherton: Mr and Mrs
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Squacco Heron (URN: 1614)
Dennis Swaby: 032A9901 Spoonbill with a "catch"
bett_atherton: Mumma Grebe feeding baby
peterspencer49: Common Buzzards
Ian McGill On/Off for a while: Eurasian Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)