rmikulec: Evening Grosbeak in the rain.
rmikulec: An eye that is golden.
Pics_by_Brian: Gadwall Pair
Dennis Liu Photography: _81A4359 copy
Rayladur: Grand Chevalier - Greater Yellowlegs
ymustang5: Mock oyster
ymustang5: Forest finds
lindaverhoog: Chittenango falls... NY
Axel Hildebrandt: Red-headed Woodpeckers
sandra bourgeois: Chouette rayée - Barred owl
ymustang5: A Honeybee on Veronia baldwinii
ymustang5: The Juvenile
ymustang5: The Juvenile Loon
lindaverhoog: pied billed grebe ..... may be taking on more than it can handle
Slow Turning: Watching
ymustang5: A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
ymustang5: The campsite Semipalmated sandpiper
NicoleW0000: Atlantic Puffin
Cristian Arghius: Cryptocephalus sp.
mirekkrol@rogers.com: Virginia Rail, juvenile (Virginia)
Axel Hildebrandt: Atlantic Puffin
jackjmedeiros: Song Sparrow at Dawn
lime1957: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
....Daniel....: Holding on.
Axel Hildebrandt: Little Blue Heron
ymustang5: Common red soldier beetle on a Milkweed leaf
Earl Reinink: Morning song
Axel Hildebrandt: White Ibis
jackjmedeiros: Barred Owlet
Axel Hildebrandt: Little Blue Heron