ViewFromTheStreet: Cig and Cell
AndyW*: Two Beauties | Berlin | 2016
sigfrido2012: Cigarro y Móvil.
mfogiel: 20164611
ybiberman: The Russo-Japanese War
esther FR: Profiter
sigfrido2012: Manhattan.
sigfrido2012: New York
pic.kylie: Fresh Air, Darlinghurst, Sydney, Australia
callou1: P1190834
Erwin Vindl: watch the watchers
Erwin Vindl: sunny afternoon
Erwin Vindl: boring
Erwin Vindl: #wordless
Erwin Vindl: just don't do it
jaykay72.: Pigeon Puff
jaykay72.: The Unlockers !
jaykay72.: An App For Everything !
jaykay72.: Sun Screen And Scandal
jaykay72.: Office Gossip
jaykay72.: Look Away Now
jaykay72.: Drawing On Experience
jaykay72.: It's Round Here Somewhere !
jaykay72.: Silent Conversation