crmchees: Grizzly Bear
譯霆: 領角鴞
miketabak: Prairie Falcon coming in for landing
miketabak: Great Gray Owl
miketabak: Grasshopper Sparrow
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_2152
L.Mog: Vancouver Island Marmot
Eric_Z: Spotted Sandpiper
sylvain.messier: Chroniques d'Angrignon | Petit-duc maculé | Parc Angrignon | Arrondissement Sud-Ouest | Montréal
PeterBrannon: It's A Trap!
譯霆: 灰林鴞
shimmeringenergy: Double dose of cuteness / Double dose de charme
The Owl Man: Green is On The Menu (American Kestrel)
Bob Gunderson: Great Horned Owl
Gabriel Gabi: _MG_1231
PeterBrannon: Home Sweet Home
shimmer5641: Blue-winged Teal / Sarcelle à ailes bleues
The Owl Man: Tanya Drive Barred Owl
Thy Photography: Mommy and a baby girl
Bob Gunderson: Sandhill Cranes
bcbirdergirl: Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) - Pitt Meadows, BC
shimmer5641: Cinnamon Teal / Sarcelle cannelle
Thy Photography: Burrowing Owl feeding
cynchronicity0: 黑喉鴝(Siberian stonechat)
cynchronicity0: 大杓鷸(Eurasian curlew)
cynchronicity0: 諾氏鷸(Nordmann's greenshank)
shimmer5641: Rough-legged Hawk / Buse pattue
shimmeringenergy: The young explorer | Le jeune explorateur