wizard_of_dof: Untitled
wizard_of_dof: _DSC4989_"meyer optik görlitz domiron 50mm f2"_20200215
Dhina A: Devil's backbone
lfeng1014: Iced Blue Pine
Simon's utak: Bubbly bokeh and sharp leaves
wizard_of_dof: Untitled
Dhina A: Moss water drops
wizard_of_dof: _DSF3585"Auto Takumar 35mm f2.3"
Unacamara: Cherry Blossom
Monique J.: IMG_4390---orestor-135mm-à-f-2,8---anémone-sylvie-web
Monique J.: IMG_3189---hélios-77-M4-50mm-f-1,8---jonquille--web
Monique J.: IMG_3397---Tair-135mm-à-f-2,8---fritillaire-pintade--web
Monique J.: IMG_3337---zeiss-ikon-vario-talon-70-120mm-----scille-----web
Andreas.W.: colour in our garden
Simon's utak: Umbrellas
Tormod Dalen: Ça tourne...
leo.roos: To the car park
Simon's utak: Spring Colours 5826
Monique J.: IMG_3839-zeiss-ikon-vario-talon-70-120mm----anémones-hépatiques---web
Anna Kwa: Breath Of Spring
www.mikereidphotography.com: Pink Dahlia Flourish
Leonardo Bango: _DSF4055-2_Stropharia semiglobata
florence.richerataux: Trioplan 100mm
roterrenner: Roter Mohn
hploeckl: The end of the tunnel