ricardolujua: despidiendo el Sol .
Lens and Shutter: Motorcycles with side car as public transportation vehicles in the Philippines.
marta&magda: Baltic Sea
John Woolley Photos: 51372_1983_08_Bromsgrove_A3_800dpi
lebeauserge.es: Fuente Tres Aguas
lebeauserge.es: Puerta del Perdón de la catedral de Toledo
Kakoan: Automne
marsupilami92: RIVIÈRE NAMSEN (2)
PaoloRiccardoCarrara: Akko, Israel
Alexandre Milan: Buse variable - Common buzzard
piccolinaa: Murales Fonni
@Duet: The Little Genius of the Branch
ride0583: 4 World Trade Center, New York, NY
gabriellacomaschi: Creuze d'autunno
Not.Another.Front: Follow the Trees
GeorgeTan#5: Walkalator
GeorgeTan#5: 3 good friends
floriusquimbert: FQ97. A l'affut
JoneiderCP: La città
Tom E.S.: Man in the Mirror
Yasu Torigoe: Views from Amsterdam canals. 487a
aeneas66: Film Image Sonora Desert Hacienda
majsto: 20241104_083842
toscano libero: Abbandoni in campagna
Laval Roy: 1.03511 Vanneau ceinturé / Erythrogonys cinctus / Red-kneed Dotterel
Jürgen Scholz: Nuraghe Su Nuraxi