Jock Farrell: Grey Partridge.
Chris Sweet 85: Throw me a line.
Charles Connor: Llanddwyn Island, Anglesey
JEBarrera: Nuthatch :-)
geraintparry: Porthcawl Lighthouse
Jonathan Casey: 'Gold Watch'
Charles Connor: Penmon Lighthouse, Anglesey
welloutafocus: Kurt Nicoll. MX.
Charles Connor: Twr Mawr Lighthouse
Charles Connor: Penmon Lighthouse, Anglesey
Iain Leach: Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus
blootoonloon1( No to Badger Cull): Mountain Hare on the run.
Jonathan Casey: 'Sunday of Summer'
Steve_Waddingham: Brown Hare head on
Iain Leach: Eider Somateria mollissima
Dave Hunt Photography: Dragon Headed Katydid (Eumegalodon blanchardi)
Steve_Waddingham: Brown Hare head on.
Gertj123: Spreading the wings after bathing [Explore #78]
ianderry64: The roof is on fire
wildshotsbyclive: Live Mole,UK.
bilska.anna: Little owl and an owlet
gemma reddington: Juvenile Bittern reflection
Deadpanhammer: Common Tern
Richard Walker Photography: Llanddwyn Island
Jonathan Casey: 'Falling'
deanmorgan4: Royal Navy Merlin with a nice big fire wall behind it
geraintparry: Atlantic Puffin
wjmccourt: Final approach