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albums of curt.curt
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Whitefish Point Aug, 2022
Summer 2022 Shorebirds
2021 Birds!
Gulls 12-4-20 Grace lake
new camera, new spring 2020
18/19 Pre-freeze Gull highlights
Winter 2018/09
Spotted Redshank - Nov. 4, 2018
Hummer Talk
Trip Summary
50 Ways to Shoot a Hummer
Day 1 - Papallacta Pass and Guango
Day 3 - Yanacocha
Day 4 - Mashpi Shingo
Day 4 - Milpe
Day 5 - Mashpi Amagusa PLUS Oilbirds!
Paz de las Aves
Birdwatcher's House (Vinicio's Place)
Rio Silanche
East Slop Odds and E
San Isidro Lodge
Day 14 Baeza, Guango, and a little inter-montane valley
Great Ann Arbor Non-Dragons
Large Milkweed Bugs
Milkweed Madness
A Michigan July Day
4th of July Weekend
Delhi 6-24-17
Riverbend, June 11.
Some 2016 DragonPics
Clubtails A-Commin'
Ivory Gull!!
small Glaucous Gull 12-6-17
The 12 days of Grace Lake Iceland Gulls
New Year's Eve
Grace Lake 12/30/16
Gull Highlights - Nov & Dec 2016
Grace Lake 12-24-2016new album
Grace Lake 12-23-2016
Grace lake 12-22-2016
Thayer's Gull??
"Appledore" Gulls
Lotus Rd Gulls- LBBGXHerg, Thayer's and Kumlien's
Photo Highlights of 4 Wonderful Days Birding in San Diego
Las Vegas to Idylwild, San Jacinto
Wonderful, Amazing La Jolla!
SD Pelagic
Afternoon phonescoping
Tijuana Slough
Tijuana River Mouth
Other Cool SD Birds, Life Tics, and scrapings from the Bottom of the Barrel
Shiawassee 9-25
Some Digiscope Shots
Willow point 9/3/16
Baird's Sandpipers
Muskegon 8-27-16
Shorebirds at M52 and Waldo Rd.
Lotus Rd, Belleville Lake and Grace Lake 3/5
Belleville Lake 2/27/16
winter 2015-16 hybrids
2-06-16 Here come the Kumlien's
Another Great day in Belleville 1-30-16
Thayer's Bonanza in Belleville 1-23-16
Grace Lake with a twist of Crosswinds 1-16-16
Crosswinds Marsh 1-9-16
2016 Wayne County Gulls
Grace Lake 12-24
Hybrid Hat Trick! Including Great lakes Gull!!
Grace Lake 12-13-15
California Gull!!! New Buffalo 12-5-2015
Niagara Falls Nov. 27-29
Snowstorm 11/21/15 - The day after
Digiscoping at Grace Lake Gulls - Winter 2015
A Ragtag group of Herring and Ring-Billed Gulls - 10/31/15
2015-16 Grace Lake Gull Season Kickoff
Lunar Eclipse 9/27/2015
Great Spreadwing
Blue-Faced Meadowhawks, Arrow Clubtail etc.
Rifle River Other Dragons
Rifle River Meadowhawks
Sleeping Bear Dunes and Rifle River
Flag-Tailed Spinylegs (&DH) 8-23 Tecumseh
Pt Mouillee 8-23 Digiscoping
Digiscoping Monroe County - Blue Grosbeak +++++
Betweeen the clouds at Rifle Rive June 27, 28
Riverine Clubtail and Spinylegs Emergence Delhi 6/20/15
New Bug! Pronghorn Clubtail - 6/6/15
Humpback Madness 5/24/15 Gloucester Mass
Digiscoping Pointe Mouillee on May 30, 2015
Point Mouillee 5/9, 5/1615 (and viscinity)
Pointe Mouillee 5-02-15
Slaty-Backed Gull 5-2-15
4/25/15 at Grace Lake
Belleville 4-11 Thayers++
Belleville 4/4/15 documentation shots 3 More Kumliens, 2 Thayers!
March 28 Kumlien's Invasion at Crosswinds
2014-15 Iceland Gulls
Belleville, 3-21-15
Pi day iPhone shots
Feb 28 Port Huron, King Eider & Gulls
2/22 Gulls
For Phone
Valentines Day in record cold
Phone-Scopin' Port Huron 2/7/15
Car window ducks - St. Clair River
Pt Edward formatted for phone
Pt Edward Iceland's
Trying out the new lens in some tough light (at least for me)
Grace Lake for Phone
Grace Lake 1/11/15 - Thayer's etc
Grace Lake - iPhone Slaty Backed Gull Plus Plus12/28/2014
a July walk in the park
June 29 slow for dragons, but!
Mercilessly Edited Cobras
Tough Photo day, but fun day with Reg Baker
An hour at Delhi on June 13
Rose Lake Dragons, OMG!
Dragon 2014 - Memorial Day Tenerals
Magee Marsh and Ottawa NWR 5/9/14
Spring Birds 2014
And a new Spring in the Yard begins!!! 2014
Sir Hoodie!
Belleville Lake 3/15 - Holes in the Ice (iPhone mostly)
A2 and Belleville Phone-Scoping
Yipsi Phone Scoping
Port Huron Long-Tails - 2/15/14
Phonescoping Long-Tailed Ducks
5 year old with glow sticks and a mirror
iPhone through 30X scope through window
Wayne's Dump 1/18/14 4 Glaucous and a Thayer's
Grace lake Gulls and a Snowy
Amazing Adam Beck Overlook 12/21/13
Some Local Gull Shots
Port Huron 8-16-13
Port Huron (Sarnia) Snapshots 11/3/13
Terns (mostly)
Pt Moo Peregrine Hunting Caspian Terns
Hudson Mills 7/22 with my friend Dave Stimac
Incredible June 14!
Teneral Dragons Hudson Mills, Delhi
Greetings from our feeders - April, 2013
Avocets 4-27
April 20 in my Yard
Yard Birds
Local A2 Birds
Beaver in Ann Arbor
Belleville Ducks (New Camera!)
Afternoon Phonescoping
Day 4 - Milpe