Erland R.N.: Cordulegaster boltoni
Bonnie Ott: Deadhorse Long-tailed Jaeger
Bonnie Ott: Long-tailed Jaeger on the Hunt
daveumich: Lilypad Clubtail (Arigomphus furcifer) Dragonfly - Male
Hemmings Photo Tours: Timber Wolf on the Prowl
McCreedy: Glaucous Gull | Tri-County Landfill | Sanilac, MI
Fyn Kynd: Long-tailed Duck
Erland R.N.: Trithemis kirbyi
theowlranch: Purple Sandpiper
Bonnie Ott: Imagination
chris.w.birder: White-necked Jacobin
chris.w.birder: Purple Honeycreeper
chris.w.birder: Red-billed Tropicbird
chris.w.birder: Trinidad Motmot
chris.w.birder: Ithomia agnosia pellucida- Blue Transparent (Agnosia Glasswing)
chris.w.birder: Tufted Coquette
bonxie88: Coppery-headed Emerald - Costa Rica
bonxie88: Resplendent Quetzal - Costa Rica
Bonnie Ott: Little fooler....missing field marks