curt.curt: American Avocet
curt.curt: White-Rumped Sandpiper
curt.curt: White-Rumped Sandpiper with Semi-Palmated Sandpiper
curt.curt: Cool looking mid-molt Tree Swallow
curt.curt: Some of the 1000 or more Purple Martins Staging to heaad to S. America
curt.curt: Some of the 1000 or more Purple Martins Staging to heaad to S. America
curt.curt: Short-Billed Dowitcher
curt.curt: Short-Billed Dowitcher
curt.curt: White Pelicans
curt.curt: White Pelicans
curt.curt: Greater YellowLegs
curt.curt: Greater YellowLegs