Earl Reinink: Winter Wren
Earl Reinink: A "twofer"..
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Clyde Thornhill: Sharp-shinned Hawk with fresh kill.
Peter Simpson: Rusty Blackbird - Quiscale rouilleux
Peter Simpson: Eastern Kingbird - Tyran tritri
Paul B Jones: Northern Saw-whet Owl | Aegolius acadicus | Petite Nyctale at the Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory, Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Area, Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada
Paul B Jones: Marsh Wren | Cistothorus palustris | Troglodyte des marais | Charwell Point, Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada
Paul B Jones: Rare bird at the Point Traverse Lighthouse in Prince Edward County | Yellow-throated Warbler | Setophaga dominica | Paruline à gorge jaune
Paul B Jones: Long-eared Owl | Asio otus | Hibou moyen-duc in the Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Area
Paul B Jones: Long-eared Owl | Asio otus | Hibou moyen-duc hunting in the daytime
billbigfish: Oh, what a pretty lady!
billbigfish: Leaving!
billbigfish: Taking off like a rocket!
billbigfish: Off to get another meal!
Gf220warbler: Yellow Warbler
Gf220warbler: Red-necked Grebe
Gf220warbler: Great Gray Owl
Gf220warbler: Northern Harrier
Gf220warbler: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Roger Woodruff: Greater Roadrunner
Roger Woodruff: Greater Roadrunner
sbuckinghamnj: Yellow-tufted Woodpecker
Troy West Steve: Rough-legged Hawk dark morph
Troy West Steve: Red-shouldered Hawk
Troy West Steve: Red-tailed hawk
Flora to Fauna: Swainson's Hawk
Clyde Thornhill: Sandhill Crane #2
Clyde Thornhill: Sandhill Crane