an avel: Chat de Patagonie
Guillaume DELEBARRE: The blue room
pixelia2: Les griffes du chat .
Guillaume DELEBARRE: Leaving the city
lorecrw: old door...
Maxim Maximov: Portrait
Eggii: Photographer
pixelia2: Opera glasses.
Sean Batten: Shooter
anla2011: caelee3-7806-Edit
lorecrw: it's relaxing to listen to the sound and watch the clear water coming down from the snowfields. observe the soft colors it captures, from its surroundings, during its flow towards the valley.
Sabina BD: old tyre tube
iwona_podlasinska: boat trip (fire and water)
Eggii: in the urban space...
lorecrw: Gold and green moment.
xeniussonar: Personajes . . . Pepe el filosofo
pixelia2: Les couleurs de l'argentique.
Luigi Alesi: Campagna di San Severino Marche
alfredoziano: Andréa
Steve Cooke-SRAviation: Best Seat In The House.
Tom Dean.: 'MONSTER'
Akbar Simonse: DSCN5064
margot 52: Sono innanzi tutto un uomo, e francese solo per caso. (Montesquieu)