crclapiz: SN Week 11, Working from a Focus
Karla Stevens Mainis: SkN11-SBS Seeing Lesson 1.b Slow. Totally Santa Cruz VW Van done fast on location at New Leaf Community Market.
mmgstone82: Lesson 11 - Heritage coffee shop
Miz. Dee: Feb 1,15 Elm Street Bakery-001
Miz. Dee: Sketch for Lesson 11..
Lynn M Green: Lynn-Green-snow-bound-tree 11c Sketching Now Cafe prompt
amandine500: P1040243
amandine500: P1040204
amandine500: P1040141
amandine500: P1040097
grannyMM: Lesson-10-park-thumbnails-ink
grannyMM: Lesson-10-home-thumbnails-ink
grannyMM: Lesson-10-park-building-watercolor
grannyMM: Lesson-10-park-building-ink
carolynmiles68: Lesson 10 Creating a focus - final sketch 1
sugaron: From my window
sugaron: Different roofs - Shunyi, Beijing
crclapiz: SN Week Lesson 10, indoor prompt, thumbnails outside the house
crclapiz: SN Leeson 10, indoor prompt, develop sketch from thumbnail - disaster, I'll try another one
crclapiz: SN Lesson 10, outdoor prompt, thumbnails
crclapiz: SN Lesson 10, outdoor prompt, thumbnails, developing a focal point
mmalachi: MNS_Week8_Indoors_2
sugaron: From the window. Shunyi, Beijing, Jan 2015
aussiemom2013: Lesson 6 Gestural Setup
aussiemom2013: Lesson 6 Roofline Prompt
fayegboyes: Week 5 measuring
fayegboyes: Week 9 composing the view