mmgstone82: paradise cafe 2 6 15
mmgstone82: Lesson 11 - Heritage coffee shop
mmgstone82: Lesson 11 - indoor counter scene
mmgstone82: Ceili and window - Lesson 10
mmgstone82: dog and window thumbnails - Lesson 10
mmgstone82: Aurora thumbnails - Lesson 10
mmgstone82: Lesson 10 - Creating a Focus; Aurora basin - Lesson 10
mmgstone82: Red Dog w speckles - Lesson 10
mmgstone82: red dog thumbnails - lesson 10
mmgstone82: Lesson 9 - viewfinder
mmgstone82: street scene with grid - Lesson 9
mmgstone82: Lesson 8 - Temple de la Concepcion dome in San Miguel de Allende
mmgstone82: Lesson 8 - Temple de la Concepcion dome, San Miguel #2
mmgstone82: Lesson 8 - Temple de la Concepcion, #3
mmgstone82: Lesson 8 -ink sketch combo
mmgstone82: Lesson 8 - coat w markers
mmgstone82: Lesson 6 - Roofline. Russian Orthodox church, Juneau.
mmgstone82: Christmas at home, 2014.
mmgstone82: Lesson 6 - no set up
mmgstone82: Lesson 6 - minimal setup
mmgstone82: IMG_2215
mmgstone82: IMG_2214
mmgstone82: IMG_2213
mmgstone82: Lesson 4 518 W 12th
mmgstone82: chair
mmgstone82: books
mmgstone82: negative space still life
mmgstone82: deer still life
mmgstone82: photo
mmgstone82: This was my outdoor attempt, #1. It's some cactus growing behind a wall. I tried to go slower on the wall, and focus on relationships… and have a bit more loose fun with the cactus.