poppy998: IB8A3748... More mid morning visitors.
Raed Shorrosh: Lycaena thersamon omphale
K.Verhulst: Giraffe
James Waghorn: Upstairs downstairs
YBFSC Shirley: 423A7575.....Fall is here.
jmishefske: LookAtLittleSister
Jorden Esser: Back of the front - HTDD
Nature by SØS: KV4A3977 Rose - From our Garden - DK
kthom74@att.net: Foggy Lake Pocotopaug
leewoods106: A friendly face
jmishefske: BushWarbler
Corey Hayes: Bighorned-Sheep
poppy998: _MG_5047
Jorden Esser: Kronstadt Cat
SDRPhoto321: Some Dogs
Rolando CRINITI: Fischione _001
Pejasar: Chasm Falls in Black and White
Nature by SØS: KV4A3335 Gråspurv - House Sparrow - Passer domesticus - From our Garden - DK
Nature by SØS: KV4A1268 Blåmejse - Blue Tit - Parus caeruleus - Falsterbo - Sverige
Corey Hayes: Parasitic-jaeger
Stan in FL: Keeled Skimmer: Croatia's KRKA National Park
SDRPhoto321: Have a Heart!
the_green_squirrel: surveying her domain
shutterbug_65: Izmir, Mavisehir.
YBFSC Shirley: 423A7566-Pano.....The eye of the storm!
kthom74@att.net: South Peak and Merimere Reservoir
poppy998: _MG_4955...
jmishefske: WhatChooGot