Raed Shorrosh:
Female Platycnemis dealbata (Ivory Featherleg)
Raed Shorrosh:
The False Apollo (Archon Apollinus)
Raed Shorrosh:
The False Apollo (Archon Apollinus)
Raed Shorrosh:
The False Apollo (Archon Apollinus)
Raed Shorrosh:
The False Apollo (Archon Apollinus)
Raed Shorrosh:
The Persian Cyclamen
Raed Shorrosh:
The Persian Cyclamen
Raed Shorrosh:
Selected Butterfly Pictures from May-December 2024
Raed Shorrosh:
Selected Butterfly Pictures from Jan-May 2024
Raed Shorrosh:
Mediterranean tiger blue (Tarucus rosacea)
Raed Shorrosh:
Mediterranean tiger blue (Tarucus rosacea)
Raed Shorrosh:
Desert Babul Blue (Azanus ubaldus)
Raed Shorrosh:
The Balkan Pierrot or little tiger blue
Raed Shorrosh:
Lesser fiery copper- Lycaena thersamon omphale
Raed Shorrosh:
Lesser fiery copper- Lycaena thersamon omphale
Raed Shorrosh:
Rhynocoris punctiventris
Raed Shorrosh:
Violet Dropwing Dragonfly (Trithemis annulata)
Raed Shorrosh:
Raed Shorrosh:
Large Salmon Arab Butterfly
Raed Shorrosh:
Large Salmon Arab Butterfly
Raed Shorrosh:
Large Salmon Arab Butterfly
Raed Shorrosh:
Large Salmon Arab Butterfly
Raed Shorrosh:
Large Salmon Arab Butterfly
Raed Shorrosh:
Large Salmon Arab Butterfly
Raed Shorrosh:
The Grass Jewel (Chilades trochylus )
Raed Shorrosh:
Cleopatra Brimstone
Raed Shorrosh:
Plain Tiger or African Monarch (Danaus chrysippus)
Raed Shorrosh:
Mediterranean tiger blue (Tarucus rosacea)
Raed Shorrosh:
Large Salmon Arab Butterfly
Raed Shorrosh:
Large Salmon Arab Butterfly