George Plakides: The prettiest village in France
Paweł Gałka: Vernazza
athanecon: DSC_1079
Dimitil: Τo «ύδωρ το ζών» The "living water" panorama
chrislappas: Mt. Xerovouni.
skeletolicious: Badger under the Deh Cho Bridge.
Mr B Eyes open: Walk yr path to yr light, light within you, light surrounds you. Growth & change may involve a descent into darkness as part of the cycle of perpetual renewal. There’ll be yr light in the darkness. Light within the darkness & no darkness without light
Mr B Eyes open: Reflect & respect yr inner, yr conscious being, the true being that you are. Yr amazing, yr beautiful, yr love & light harnessed within you, twinkles & dazzles everyone around you. Share yr light, show yr love in yr glow & live as you know
Mike Atkinson Photography: Blue Tit in Winter.
Mr B Eyes open: #Sunrise New day M&M day, Marvellous Monday let’s say. Yr perception of what is & how you perceive & feel it, is what you’ll receive from it. Sense the beauty, light & love in this day. Fly high fly low in todays flow, glow so bright & light up yr life
mary066: Meteora,Greece
driver Photographer: SUZUKI guy
Mr B Eyes open: What to be away from my tree. Not knowing what to do. No branches to hang on to. No place to go. I will sit here alone & enjoy the best a leave can be. As all pass & stare, at what they see as just a broken part of a tree. Yet there is so much more to me
Mr B Eyes open: #Sunset Disruption in ones life. The more severe the disruption, the more significant & timely the requirements for growth. Your light & your own soul are demanding that you do, indeed grow. Peace, Love, Respect & Equality for all humanity
Mr B Eyes open: The grass isn’t any greener than right here right now. The thought of it maybe, yet yr denying yourself in seeing the beauty, the light of your life right now. This is where you enjoy it, change it or accept it. Live right here, real life is only now!
Mr B Eyes open: The inseparable bond between rider & horse, its similar to us & our mind. We the rider & minds the horse. The more me respect, nurture & are consciously aware, utilising the beautiful instrument that are mind is, the less the mind will react to oneself
Mr B Eyes open: #Sunset Rest up & rest easy as daylight goes to twilight. Be at peace in yr space, to flow, to slow in yr place. Yr light to ease yr mind as you close yr eyes. May yr dreams please & heal yr thought from what’s not been caught
Mr B Eyes open: #Sunset Believe! It’s not taught, it’s learned. Not seen or heard. It’s in between everything & anything. A space before it’s filled, a smile before it’s seen. A touch before it’s felt. Light in the darkness. It’s in all things all places & in all faces
George Plakides: Merry Christmas Everybody
George Plakides: Photobombed
Antonio Chac: Atardecer
Antonio Chac: Colores del atardecer
Antonio Chac: Nube lenticular