bmse: Looking Down!
Tongho58: Osprey With Fish
ken.helal: You Can Swim, but You Can't Hide!
Greg Gard: American Wigeon calling
Greg Gard: Ring-necked Duck
Greg Gard: Common Merganser
Greg Gard: Common Merganser male
Greg Gard: American Avocet
Greg Gard: Northern Shoveler close-up
Greg Gard: Ruddy Turnstone
Greg Gard: Black Skimmer adult with chick
Greg Gard: Juvenile Piping Plover
Greg Gard: Peregrine Falcon
Greg Gard: Black Skimmer family
Greg Gard: Peregrine Falcon in flight
Greg Gard: Greater Yellowlegs
Greg Gard: Black Skimmer chick with fish
Greg Gard: Least Sandpiper
Greg Gard: Adult American Oystercatcher feeding a chick
Greg Gard: Adult Prairie Warbler
Greg Gard: Adult female Yellow-bellied Marmot
Deborah Freeman: osprey doing a little dance in front of us....Mel continually
VirginiaSpencer2003: Mom Sandhill Crane
VirginiaSpencer2003: Sandhill Crane Colt
VirginiaSpencer2003: Crow Crossbill
VirginiaSpencer2003: European Starling
VirginiaSpencer2003: Glaucous-winged Gull
VirginiaSpencer2003: Dirty Wings