Paul.Y-D: Toeing the line.......
ereid88: Walk in the park
viniciusmil: Pulando cercas sociais / Jumping fences social
Paul.Y-D: What are these....?
Nicholas Berkley: Crab spider (Misumena vatia)
Paul.Y-D: Berries
tinanairpics: My new Sony a6000.
tinanairpics: Queen's Park
viniciusmil: Ahh, estas placas...
viniciusmil: "A rosa do povo"
John A. McCrae: Field Trip ~ "cheese and quackers" included
trombone65 (PhotoArt Laatzen): 108/365 - Time / Zeit
trombone65 (PhotoArt Laatzen): 122/365 - Grass in the Wind / Gras im Wind
Paul.Y-D: Lots to see...
Paul.Y-D: Between the rocks.
Paul.Y-D: Saltram Robin
Paul.Y-D: Up or down?
mavparadeza: Jeepney driver's fifth and sixth eye
juanjofotos: Fhotographs
banksdylan53: 2014-06-01_08-11-37
Nicholas Berkley: Velvet Mite (Trombidium holosericeum)
Nicholas Berkley: Zebra Spider (Salticus scenicus)