ereid88: On the surface of the garlic
ereid88: Common Starling
ereid88: Goose head
ereid88: The bellow
ereid88: On the surface
ereid88: Revisiting the Macro Monday theme from October 3rd - open
ereid88: In full flow.
ereid88: It was worth a look.
ereid88: A moment in time.
ereid88: When Things Get Rocky
ereid88: The Mountain Walk
ereid88: Just taking a look.
ereid88: Just before a nap
ereid88: Greylag Goose chick
ereid88: Just in time for lunch
ereid88: Macro Monday Redux2020 - The odd one out.
ereid88: Do you choose a walk down the alley or the a walk in the valley?
ereid88: The Light Show
ereid88: It's That Time...
ereid88: Getting Out.
ereid88: Showing The Glow
ereid88: I on the PHONE at the foot of the escalators.
ereid88: Beam Me Up Scotty…
ereid88: Simplicity
ereid88: Green
ereid88: Getting things in motion
ereid88: Before the asent....
ereid88: Macro Monday - Holiday Bokeh
ereid88: Getting out there.
ereid88: Vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus)