Juan R. Lázaro (Part II): Cabeza colosal de una estatua de Amenemhat III con los ojos originalmente incrustados. Tell Basta (Bubastis).
- Ozymandias -: Fragment of Wall Painting
Chapps.SL: Roman glass portrait from Pompeii
MumblerJamie: Border Fresco
MumblerJamie: Other Victory with Laurel
faun070: Cyprus '24
faun070: Cyprus '24
Following Hadrian: Tauroctony fresco in the mithraeum of Capua, 2nd century (CIMRM 181), Mithraeum (mitreo), Ancient Capua
thomas alan: Rome IMG_1539.1
thomas alan: Rome IMG_1543.2
guigonliz: Camposanto. Pisa. Monumento Funerario.
Paul McClure DC: Emperor Charles V and the Fury, sculpture by Leone Leoni, Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain
diffendale: Fragmentary polychrome terracotta figurine of a wreathed woman holding a folding mirror, 2
- Ozymandias -: Saalburg Triclinium
Chapps.SL: Fresco of Neptune and Amymone
byb64: "Zeus de Solonte", IIe-Ier siècle avant JC, musée archéologique régional Antonino Salinas, Palerme, Sicile, Italie.
- Ozymandias -: Painted Murals
MumblerJamie: Casa Bellezza
MumblerJamie: Casa Bellezza
MumblerJamie: Domus of Aufidia Valentilla
Chapps.SL: Fresco depicting a procession in honor of Cybele
Bruce Allardice: Palmyra South-west Necropolis Tomb of the Three Brothers 2nd cent CE Tympanum west Vine Tree Scroll Pattern
- Ozymandias -: Fresco with Rider Leading Horse
Chris Irie: A Stela With Green Figures
MumblerJamie: Room 9
diffendale: Roman painted wooden panel representing a deity (Heron?) on horseback, 2
Chapps.SL: Marble fountain figure of a seated human or satyr child wearing an animal skin filled with fruit, with traces of pigments
jacquemart: Sculpture Gallery
Chapps.SL: ‘Stoker’ mosaic from the baths of the House of Julia Felix, Pompeii