Chapps.SL: Horse and rider (唐 三彩陶騎馬俑), Tang Dynasty
Chapps.SL: Colossal statue of Mars Ultor (formerly known as Pyrrhus)
Chapps.SL: Closeup of a relief depicting a personification of a province
Chapps.SL: Bronze statuette of a boy in Eastern dress
Chapps.SL: Polychrome terracotta relief bust of a woman
Chapps.SL: Bronze portrait head of Seuthes III in profile
Chapps.SL: Bronze portrait of Seuthes III
Chapps.SL: Head of a Homeric hero
Chapps.SL: Bronze mirror cover with the head of a woman
Chapps.SL: Polychrome wooden statue of the Christ child
Chapps.SL: Bronze statuette of Minerva
Chapps.SL: Red-Polished Ware bowl with modeled figures
Chapps.SL: Silver statuette of Venus
Chapps.SL: Attic red-figure kylix, attributed to Onesimos
Chapps.SL: Mummy portrait depicting a man with a mole on his nose (closeup)
Chapps.SL: Greave (knee and shin guard) with a female head (full image)
Chapps.SL: Polychrome statue of Saint Ginés de la Jara by La Roldana
Chapps.SL: Closeup of the Battersea Shield central roundel
Chapps.SL: Gilt bronze and porcelain mantel clock
Chapps.SL: Greek glass hemispherical bowl
Chapps.SL: Dionysus-Bacchus and Ariadne fresco, House of the Vettii, Pompeii
Chapps.SL: Panagyurishte Treasure gold amphora-rhyton
Chapps.SL: Two terracotta busts
Chapps.SL: Etruscan bronze portrait head from San Casciano dei Bagni
Chapps.SL: Etruscan polychrome terracotta antefix with the head of Silenus
Chapps.SL: Terracotta head of the goddess Leucothea
Chapps.SL: The Mainz Gladius (sword)
Chapps.SL: Tomb painting of female musicians
Chapps.SL: Closeup of bronze votive statue from San Casciano dei Bagni
Chapps.SL: Painting from the tomb chapel of Nebamun