Ron Buening: Dribble and Drop
Christine Fusco: So many pinks! Adult breeding Spoonbill
Wildlife and nature - Colombia: Arremon brunneinucha
Wildlife and nature - Colombia: Chlorospingus flavopectus
creaturesnapper: Tachinid-fly --- Tachinini
creaturesnapper: Female Green Honeycreeper --- Chlorophanes spiza
creaturesnapper: Leaf Beetle --- Aspicela scutata
creaturesnapper: Black-billed Thrush --- Turdus ignobilis
creaturesnapper: White-sided Flowerpiercer --- Diglossa albilatera
creaturesnapper: Weevil --- Cholus sp
creaturesnapper: Shield Bug --- Polytes sp
creaturesnapper: White-necked Jacobin --- Florisuga mellivora
creaturesnapper: Red-headed Barbet --- Eubucco bourcierii
creaturesnapper: Female Red-headed Barbet --- Eubucco bourcierii
creaturesnapper: Green Honeycreeper --- Chlorophanes spiza
creaturesnapper: Montane Woodcreeper --- Lepidocolaptes lacrymiger
creaturesnapper: Masked Flowerpiercer --- Diglossa cyanea
creaturesnapper: Multicoloured Tanager --- Chlorochrysa nitidissima
Sergio Chaparro-Herrera: Piranga flava, macho.
Christine Fusco: Cattle Egret in Breeding Colors
creaturesnapper: Shield Bug --- Pellaea stictica
creaturesnapper: Bird Dropping Crab Spider --- Phrynarachne sp , possibly P .tuberosa
Christine Fusco: Spoobills new family!
Christine Fusco: Mated pair of Cattle Egrets!
Carolien114: Blauwbuikamazilia - Steely-vented Hummingbird
R ramirez: Pulsatrix perspicillata - Spectacled owl - lechuzón de anteojos -polluelo
R ramirez: Icterus spurius - Orchard oriole - turpial de los huertos
Steve Hitchcock: Indian Peafowl - Pavo cristatus. Male (Peacock)
jjarango: Chloroceryle aenea - American Pygmy Kingfisher - Martín Pescador Enano female 03