Todd Aki: clam
Croix-roussien: Roots of heaven
WestEndFoto: Abigail, the bartender.
Diann C. Johnson: Tim Johnson - Sting Ray
bodiver: Naia (explored)
syf22: Full Moon Groyne
Dr. Ilia: Watcha looking at?!
Dr. Ilia: Fall Colors
Dr. Ilia: Toronto Rivers
bettydiver: Pineapple Fish.
BarryFackler: badwrassed
my.travels: [267V2] Kalecik village, Mardin, Turkey
Croix-roussien: Love is in the air
Martín Arcos.: by the lake
Martín Arcos.: a stroll through the park
Martín Arcos.: early spring
archer10 (Dennis): Ontario-00328 - Egret
bora_horza: Kvarnby
bora_horza: Ostindiefararen Götheborg
JackAZ Photo: a different kind of out the car window
JackAZ Photo: Going long
JackAZ Photo: Baaaaaad behavior
Carlo Casoli: 2021 10 28 11h 43' 37 sec CET Sun Cromosphere & Prominences NOAA 12891
Carlo Casoli: 2022 01 10 18h 26' 41 sec CET Moon