boonloke: SPREAD WINGS
Bruno Morcel: Bruant des roseaux Emberiza schoeniclus - Common Reed Bunting
Jimages2view: Siskin (m) - a winter visitor
bilska.anna: Hunting Male Barn owl
birdmanron: Spectacled Eider Barrow Alaska
bobchappell55: DSCF0084c Turnstone, Titchwell Beach, August 2024
Mobile Lynn: Great Kiskadee 505_0163.jpg
adrianbott: Short-eared owl
jillyspoon: Oh Jays
DavidHowarthAgain: Gentle ripples.
AnneHu: Crested Tit ☆ Mésange huppée
Foxley65: Goldcrest
John M Boon: Great Tit
8lueskies: Goldeneye displaying
Gary McHale: Sandhill Crane
neil.storey3: Stonechat
Steve Boolds: A Raft of Coots
rengawfalo: Kingfisher - Eisvogel
tofbuis: DSC_1829_DxO
After-the-Rain: Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)
neilcairnsifa: Eurasian Siskin
judithmchale: Snail kite in flight with snail
marijke b.: This evening
jlfconceicao: Escrevedeira de garganta preta - Emberiza cirlus - Cirl bunting
Dale Ayres: Long-taild Tit ( Aegithalos caudatus rosaceeus )
krzkaiiu60: El setas
dwb838: Great Grey Owl - hunting from post during snowstorm