mahar15: Dark-eyed Junco
dimaruss34: Crocus
oskaybatur: In the right place at the right time
maxathier: Poppy
agasfer: Grist Mill
davidwilliamreed: McDaniel Farm Park
mahar15: Hairy Woodpecker
rileycars2000: Robin at Cockshut
 RêveOcéanOceanDream: Sur son nid douillet bien dissimulé, elle couve ses oeufs... P1230595
KevinWIlt728: d624f-342
mahar15: Flowers
gary_photog: Counting hairs
mahar15: Dark January Afternoon
mahar15: Dark-eyed Junco
mahar15: Blue Jay
mahar15: Frozen Lake
mahar15: Downy Woodpecker
mahar15: Sharp-shinned Hawk
gary_photog: Frosty edges (Explore)
mahar15: Red-bellied Woodpecker
davidwilliamreed: Snow 1-10-25
davidwilliamreed: My Brother Steve In The Snow
mahar15: Blue Jay
mahar15: Dark-eyed Junco
gary_photog: An Azalea leaf preparing for Winter
mahar15: Tulip
mahar15: Black-capped Chickadee
martinritter1: Bayreuth 261124-5-1
Dhina A: Riverside grass
Dhina A: Painted lady