Tassanee28: Grand Falls
JClaredo: Alhambra noct
Oscar Martín Antón: El Árbol de la Vida. / The Tree of Life.
@hipydeus: Playground
ducnho2413: IMG_2571
愚夫.chan: 姬小紋青斑蝶 Parantica aglea maghaba
愚夫.chan: 元陽梯田 Terraces
ducnho2413: DSC_3145
Ulises50: DSC_0058.NEF
Funchye: Hoverfly
Funchye: Cosmos
Funchye: Cosmos
Ulises50: La sombra del alcoholico
Ulises50: Carnaval2014-6
Eric Lafforgue: Miss Meaza Gore village, Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Anuak woman smoking, Gambella, Ethiopia
Ulises50: El carnaval de la vida.
Mark Littlejohn: Blowing in the Wind
joulelopez: Cala Frares (Lloret de Mar)
herman hengelo: Dagpauwoog
Arnaldo Gutiérrez: Si quieres comer bien, sal de Torrevieja (4)
Ferri Massimo: IMG_5555
Ferri Massimo: IMG_1200
Arthur's Dream (Dreamer:Thanks :-)): I'll do anything for you,anything you want me to...
vulture labs: Encore
vulture labs: Silent City