leonburda: Giant Hummingbird.jpg
leonburda: DSC_0661-Edit-2.jpg
leonburda: Dead-leaf Grasshopper.jpg
leonburda: Sword-billed Hummingbird.jpg
Spirithills (Leah): change of direction
Spirithills (Leah): Bloody Dog
Spirithills (Leah): The leader with his two lieutenants
Spirithills (Leah): Mount Baker in the evening
Spirithills (Leah): Looking towards Sidney Island (B.C.) and the Haro Strait
Spirithills (Leah): Stolen Meal
Spirithills (Leah): Harrier plunge
Spirithills (Leah): Northern Harrier Hawk
ChasingNature: Spotted Towhee
ChasingNature: Male Bushtit
Bruno Morcel: Lever de soleil. Sunrise
Bruno Morcel: Cygne tuberculé Cygnus olor - Mute Swan
Bruno Morcel: Aigrette garzette Egretta garzetta - Little Egret
HJP68: GROSBEC CASSE NOYAUX / Kernbeisser / Hawfinch ♂
HJP68: EPERVIER D'EUROPE / Sperber / Eurasian Sparrowhawk
HJP68: SANGLIER / Wildschwein / Wild Boar
HJP68: OIES CENDREES / Graugänse / Greylag Goose
neilhilton65: Hawfinch
neilhilton65: Golden Eagle (male)
neilhilton65: Great-spotted Woodpecker
Carsten Bahnsen: Zwergsäger / smew (Mergellus albellus)
ChicagoBob46: Standard pose
ChicagoBob46: Napkin please
ChicagoBob46: To be young again