Rayladur: Bruant à gorge blanche - White-Throated Sparrow
go.mg59: Pervenches -
Jazz Black: 🎧 Hello! ;-)))
Richard Miguletz: Fasan_4877AE04577-B
jeanmauricegaude: Chardonneret élégant-2355
Floyd@Overdoz.com: All along the river. New Forest. Hampshire. UK. 2009.
Bergman, Anders: Reed Bunting
Fränk61: Rotterdam
Nath.Lt: Pont Dom-Luìs
Philippe ANTRAYGUES: 2024-05-05 - Chardonnerets élégants 1
José Diogo 58: Águia calçada, Booted eagle, (Aquila pennata)
José Diogo 58: Mocho Galego, Little owl.(Athene noctua)
José Diogo 58: Mocho Galego, Little owl.(Athene noctua)
Mafalda2001: Orange in the Sun
Céline Boilard: Grèbe à bec bigarré \ Pied-billed Grebe
José Diogo 58: Chasco-preto, Black Wheatear (Oenanthe leucura)
Chri-stian: Red Kite
isa-photographe: Bergeronnette printanière 27 04 2024 (6)
FDR Photography: Mr. and Mrs. Cutthroat
FDR Photography: Mr. and Mrs. Cutthroat
claire.danneville: Jersey cette île magnifique
MalcedoP: Brocard
stephane vilmin: Hibou des marais
HJP68: FAUVETTE A TETE NOIRE / Mönchsgrasmücke / Eurasian Blackcap
petershaw4: View from Canal Bridge, Willington, Derbyshire
go.mg59: Le jardin de Claude Monet - le bassin des nymphéas -
vickyoutenphoto: Coal tits
jcb68730: Chevalier arlequin
Wieslaw Byra: Blue tit