Rafal Szozda: Żołna, European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster) ...
maciej kulla: Frozen Movement
ArturGabrych: Loch Lubnaig
S. Arias: Jara, pinos y niebla. Una mañana fría. Explore.
trekok, enjoying: Fox and Winter
♞Jenny♞: Frosty and snowy
Rudy578: Great Blue Heron
David_Lazar: Kayan Tribe and Thanaka Paste
Ronny_Rocket: Winter Wonderland
FireDevilPhoto: Stuck in a Rut
FireDevilPhoto: Snow Piercer
bednareknathan: Blue bulbs
der_peste (on/off): Gang Of Four
Dariusz Wieclawski: Magic morning on the Sokolica
Dariusz Wieclawski: Key Largo sunset
Dariusz Wieclawski: Dawn at the Luban
sdupimages: San Fransisco
AreKev: Clevedon Pier
Phil Marion (235 million views - THANKS): Yours truly - reflections
roro1362: La distance qui relie la terre au ciel est celle de la pensée. The distance that connects Earth to the sky is the one of thought.
roro1362: Vietnam Nord : Plus on a de la joie, plus on peut supporter les chagrins. The more joy we have, the more the sorrows can be supported
roro1362: Vietnam: We must endute with courage the rigours of time. Il faut endurer avec courage les rigueurs du temps.
Bernie Duhamel: Morning Light[Explored]
javi duro photography: Gaztelugatxe III
yasjooni: Purple Haze
CeliaZhen.com: Patagonia Series 51/52 - The Fall Color under Fitz Roy