waynelensman123: Blue tit - Parus caeruleus
Brown Acres Mark: Oak Titmouse (Baeolophus inornatus)
Timo Airaksinen: Eurasian pygmy owl
wdallasm: RMA - Mule Deer Buck
wdallasm: Rocky Mtn.Big Horn
waynelensman123: Mistle thrush - Turdus viscivorus
Sh4un65_Artistry: SL301016 SS Great Britain 23
AMelck: Pileated woodpecker - Saunders Woods
AMelck: Fox sparrow Militia hill Hawk watch feeders
Bernie Duhamel: Cathedral Lake
Bernie Duhamel: Buck - Curiosity
CapMarcel: Kalmthout (BE) - Hut 8 - Winterkoning (wren)
flintframer: A face only a mother could love, the Black vulture!
neilhilton65: Desert Wheatear
jackez2010: Mésange DSC08639_DxO
RKop: When your eyes are bigger than your stomach.. The Pompano is not shaped to fit a laughing gull gullet
RKop: Oyster Catcher
Alvaro Colombo: Actitis hypoleucos / Piro piro piccolo
打鳥追蟲: 東方大葦鶯
waynelensman123: Water rail - Rallus aquaticus walking on ice
Craig Shaknis Photography: Pemaquid Lighthouse - Explored #78
Craig Shaknis Photography: Just Another Mallard Monday!-3
Alvaro Colombo: Avocetta / Recurvirostra avosetta / Pied avocet
jackez2010: Faucon DSC08262_DxO
jackez2010: Mésange_DSC2146_DxO
waynelensman123: Red kite - Milvus milvus
Bernie Duhamel: Hooded Merganser
Alvaro Colombo: Tringa glareola /Piro piro boschereccio / Wood sandpiper
Bernie Duhamel: Antler-fest