ricketdi: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker male juvenile / Pic maculé mâle juvénile ( Diane )
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC4065 Dartford Warbler...
normanwest4tography: Bittern - Botaurus stellaris
BerColly: La linotte mélodieuse | Linnet
Gary J. Toth: P3060945
Rolando CRINITI: Poiana _028
normanwest4tography: Puffin - Fratercula arctica
BerColly: Cascade Aydat
Claudia Brockmann: Sparrohawk - Sperber
Laval Roy: 1.29496 Bruant familier / Spizella passerina passerina / Chipping Sparrow
Laval Roy: 1.30845 Chardonneret jaune / Carduelis tristis tristis / American Goldfinch
normanwest4tography: Red Kite - Milvus milvus
Rob & Amy Lavoie: The look back
Anirban Sinha 80: Gracious...
Jerry Ting: Gray Flycatcher
Buff Spectacular: Lazuli Bunting
Fausto Deseri: Spatola
koen_jacobs: Parade!
normanwest4tography: Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus
jeffergray: Late Summer along the Gunpowder Falls River at the Dorman Farm, as seen from the NCR Trail (Baltimore County, Maryland)
ricketdi: Red-headed Woodpecker / Pic à tête rouge ( Richard )
Laval Roy: 1.03952 Mouette de Bonaparte / Chroicocephalus philadelphia / Bonaparte's Gull
Fausto Deseri: Pettirosso
Bill Thomas Photos: IMG_5511 Common Yellow Throat
Andy Morffew: Honey Buzzard