jdf_92: Northern Red-bellied Turtles
Tapestry Images: Common Yarrow
flutesteph: IMG_0168
donnastack: Allure
Shawkat Ahmed: IMG_0419
FlamingFlame: MVC-742S
chardeenly: Motion
josephnj46: waterfalls
HowardCheekPhotography.com: Argiope aurantia (female immature)
HowardCheekPhotography.com: SUNNY DAY LOVERS
HowardCheekPhotography.com: Flamboyant Flyboy
HowardCheekPhotography.com: Head's in the Clouds
just joani: IMG_3243
Stromboly: Contrapicada
fawlty128: Gene Simmons of the Bee world
DajShire: Just Airborne
Wiffsmiff23 AWPF: " BRECON BEACONS "
philhearing: Self 73/365 - Proceed here with caution. Embracing the night {w}
Will Gortoa [is mostly eating yoghurt]: Childhood Days : Making A Splash
dydawnsdream: 071 Long-Tail Skipper
chicken wayne: gift of god to all man kind
starg82343: Brian 120206 1
MentalRelease: Rainbow Bridge