just joani:
Sunday River, Newry Maine
just joani:
Fall spectrum on Taylor Brook-2
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House w/a view the Maine hills
just joani:
Newry, Maine
just joani:
just joani:
hummingbird near feeder
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Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
just joani:
Hiker through the Giles Garden
just joani:
Through a child's eyes
just joani:
yellow rumped warbler
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male yellow-bellied sap sucker
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Winter Wonderland
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Wait for me!
just joani:
Autumn in the Hills
just joani:
Autumn in New England
just joani:
Orpington Roosters
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Hacker's Hill
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Orpington Roosters looking rather fallish themselves
just joani:
Fall at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
just joani:
Autumn's Colors
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A little town in Maine
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just joani:
Shelburne, New Hampshire
just joani:
Mt. Blue State Park
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Blueberry Hill, Maine
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Weld, Maine
just joani:
Weld, Maine
just joani:
tonight's sunset
just joani:
western Maine