Silva Predalič: Sun rise at Arches
slo.Metallc: Sunset over river
timballic: Frosty Wharfedale
claudiadea131: the sunset in the clouds
D.Kafka: memories
D.Kafka: memories
aviana2: Under the white hat
aviana2: When the sun rises the earth breathes
aviana2: Going home
Uros P.hotography: Unforgettable
LHDPhotos: Lake Gaston.jpg
gleavesm: Red Tips
aviana2: It's snowing
acob8: Ficus MacrophylIa - Wingham Brush Nature Reserve, Wingham, NSW.
acob8: Valfurva, Lombardy, Italy.
Ale Lx.: Saíra-militar (male) / Red-necked Tanager - Tangara cyanocephala (Statius Muller, 1776)
Ale Lx.: Arara-canindé / Blue-and-yellow Macaw / Ara ararauna (Linnaeus, 1758)
Ale Lx.: Biguatinga [female] / Anhinga / Anhinga anhinga (Linnaeus, 1766)
Sinclair’s: Lake Tekapo Sunset
Sinclair’s: Walk the line
Reid Northrup: Autumn Flow
Masoud Najari: Gothenburg
Masoud Najari: Gothenburg city hall
Masoud Najari: Moon light photography
mccrya: Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Centre Abu Dhabi
Peter Ghita: DSCF4258
Goran Joka: Lomničky štit,Vysoke Tatry