Titole: Intriguée ★+O
Renzopaso: FERRARI 512 M / Carlos MONTEVERDE / BRA / Gary PEARSON / GBR
Co lennings2011: Amsterdam
vrot01: Wilber and Mousse…
vrot01: Sunset after a rare summer thunderstorm
vrot01: Brunch featuring Chicken Benny and mimosas…
vrot01: Fresh baked bread in the morning with V
vrot01: Our neighborhood robin about to enjoy cicada on the half-shell
vrot01: V and a mini watermelon
vrot01: Tiny watermelons in V’s hands make terrific daiquiris
vrot01: Beatrix with her patented over-the-shoulder pose (among the crepe myrtle petals)
vrot01: Beatrix in the Crepe Myrtle petals…
vrot01: V has a new do…
vrot01: V celebrating clear quarterly scans… Cancer sucks…
agedsenator: Yet another shot of the house staircase
vrot01: Blue enjoying a breakfast grub worm…
vrot01: Larry the green anole
vrot01: Molla and her menu…
vrot01: Squirrel framed by 2 Crepe Myrtle branches
vrot01: Urban Bluebonnets
vrot01: Molla’s margarita…
vrot01: Molla and Shrimp Scampi with Parisian Gnocchi
agedsenator: GOOD NIGHT !
vrot01: Mouse
mluisa_: Palcoscenico per tubo e badile
vrot01: The naptime series... mouse and V...
vrot01: Naptime… Mouse is turning into an terrific napper…