vrot01: Waxing crescent phase moon 🌙 at blue hour
vrot01: Sunset the other night
vrot01: Bunny in a meadow
vrot01: Coyote sunning on our creek bank…
vrot01: A honey bee enjoying the Gaillardia pulchella wildflower commonly called Firewheel or Indian Blanket
vrot01: Mourning Dove mother and daughter cuddling after a recent morning downpour
vrot01: Our friendly neighborhood mockingbird, we call Goofy, wasn’t all too happy about the bug that got away seconds before this shot
vrot01: Wild mammatus clouds clearing after a recent downpour
vrot01: Veronica passed away peacefully last night…
vrot01: Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain. ― Vivian Greene
vrot01: The last of our spring Irises…
vrot01: The 38th anniversary of our first dance…
vrot01: V & Kat
vrot01: Karrett!! (Kat and Jarrett) on Kat’s birthday…
vrot01: V with our baby Kat on her 25th birthday…
vrot01: Family dinner last week…
vrot01: Molla last week
vrot01: Family dinner…
vrot01: Our April irises…
vrot01: Kat made V her favorite cookies a few days ago
vrot01: Molla
vrot01: Because of stuff… we finally exchanged Xmas gifts with our friend Molla… the most awesome potholders..
vrot01: Indomitable
vrot01: Sunrise the other day
vrot01: I love love love this woman
vrot01: One of my fav Cedar Waxwings shots…
vrot01: Early Spring Texas Bluebonnets with a honey bee…
vrot01: Blue’s wife starting the nest location search…
vrot01: V and window light…
vrot01: V made her famous chocolate meringue pie for Kat’s spring break visit