aleshurik: the first snow..
星star629: 20170708薩琳
星star629: 20160605小立
aleshurik: Streets of Catalonia... (from my workshop in Spain)
aleshurik: Ireland...
guitar_lover_tw: 7M1C0771_W2
guitar_lover_tw: DSC01969_W2
guitar_lover_tw: 7M1C1711_W
guitar_lover_tw: 7M1C4343_W
guitar_lover_tw: LY6A7774_W
guitar_lover_tw: SHIN_0054_W
guitar_lover_tw: LY6A6295_W
鄒生生: KU1A7120
guitar_lover_tw: DSC06240_W
jermi: _MG_3009fb
guitar_lover_tw: Sunny_0057_W
guitar_lover_tw: 7M1C6808_W
guitar_lover_tw: 7M1C3984_W
岳月: _MG_2742
岳月: _MG_2572
guitar_lover_tw: 7M1C7705_WORD
Nishizawa Peng: NDF_6758
guitar_lover_tw: 7M1C9005_WORD