Bonnie Ott: Sunday Suburban Eagle
incompletethoughts: vintage-style lamp 4
marfis75: entertainer ( cc )
nushuz: “Christmas doesn't come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more....” ― Dr. Seuss
capegirl52: Willow Christmas 2015 photo session
chicore2011: IMG15756fara
incompletethoughts: B monogram
Vera Le Bail: Friends
incompletethoughts: Ohiopyle: footbridge grate 2
incompletethoughts: Ohiopyle: Visitors' Center ceiling fan
Vera Le Bail: Last lunch together: Fu Bao (on the left) and Yang Yang
incompletethoughts: Ohiopyle: Cucumber Falls 1
incompletethoughts: Ohiopyle: Cucumber Falls 2
marfis75: Tube ( #cc )
capegirl52: Willow's Autumn Wonderland
Agnes Geirdal: Exactly
capegirl52: State House, Concord, NH
Vera Le Bail: Longing
Bonnie Ott: Remy Sees Something Great :)
Missy2004: On the Street
ehpien: Night time
incompletethoughts: blue shirt on hanger
SJKen: Sunset scenery at the river park after Typhoon, SJKen, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug, 2015
incompletethoughts: signpost with siding 2
pamelalong: Lantern in the Garden
Bonnie Ott: Face of a Polyphemus
Bonnie Ott: Widow Skimmer with a Dewdrop
Bonnie Ott: Magic in the Dewdrops