Rayladur: Colombe à queue noire - Common Ground-Dove
Mary Torres E.: Aglaeactis cupripennis
Mary Torres E.: Nyctibius griseus
OSWALDO CORTES - Bogota Birding & Wildlife Colombi: endemic Blue-bearded helmetcrest (Oxypogon cyanolaemus) during expedition to Paramo de Las Cebolletas (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta /above San Pedro de La Sierra) for discovery populations the this helmetcrest and Santa Marta wren ( Troglodytes monticola)
Doug Gochfeld: America, Peace, and Vagrants
Fernando Díaz Segovia: Dotted Tanager, Cristalino Jungle Lodge, Brazil. Fernando Díaz
jmittermeier: Dotted Tanager (Tangara varia)
Kyle Holloway 1981: Gyrfalcon - Kelly Lake, Sudbury, Jan 18, 2014
mitch099: Sizerin flammé spécial / Common redpoll - special
mitch099: Femelle - Paruline des pins / Pine warbler - Female
shyalbatross232: Ross's Gull (Rhodostethia rosea)
Ryser915: Nashville Warbler
Howard Platt: Nashville warbler in the sun
Bernie Monette: Orange Crowned Warbler by Bernie Monette
Larry Hamrin: Pink Ringed-bill Gull larus delawarensis
Michael G. Harvey: possible Carpodectes hopkei (Black-tipped Cotinga)