Howard Platt: European starling, juvenile
Howard Platt: California quail, female
Howard Platt: American robin, juvenile
Howard Platt: California quail, male
Howard Platt: Ivory-billed woodcreeper
Howard Platt: Eastern bluebird
Howard Platt: Sulphur bellied flycatcher
Howard Platt: Rusty-crowned ground sparrow
Howard Platt: Ladder-backer woodpecker.
Howard Platt: Spotted wrens
Howard Platt: Owl from the back.
Howard Platt: Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
Howard Platt: Green iguana
Howard Platt: Wilson's warbler
Howard Platt: Great blue heron
Howard Platt: Osprey
Howard Platt: Magnificent frigatebird
Howard Platt: Very purposeful green heron.
Howard Platt: Yellow warbler in the shower
Howard Platt: Pale-billed woodpecker, male
Howard Platt: White-winged dove
Howard Platt: Boat-billed heron in La Manzanilla
Howard Platt: Grayish saltator
Howard Platt: Wilson's warbler
Howard Platt: One of those tiny greenish-yellowish-grayish-brownish flycatchers.
Howard Platt: Yellow grosbeak
Howard Platt: Lineated woodpecker
Howard Platt: Yellow winged caciques
Howard Platt: Lineated woodpecker
Howard Platt: Fox sparrow