Fisherman01: In good hands
Laetitia.p_lyon: Euphorbe de Corse
marcbenezech: busard st martin femelle; un oiseau que j adore.
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 3 ... # Bergeronnette des ruisseaux ( Motacilla cinerea - Grey wagtail )
brendakirkley: Color Your Day - In Explore
Frau Koriander: happy friday with snodrops
jimmy hoffman: Spanish Moon Moth
juewes: LR_IMG_2025_01_01_426409_DxO
mark galer: Tawny Frogmouth
andreas.thomet: Grindelwald
Jürgen... / OFF....: Springtime Blues
ken.helal: Bald Eagle Calls Out While getting Lightly Dusted With Snow
flaviobergo: IMG_3414 verdone (Chloris chloris)
NickWakeling: Red-breasted Merganser MERLO ACQUAIOLO _ Cinclus cinclus _ DIPPER BLACKBIRD
jt893x: Golden-crowned Kinglet
wilfried.glien: Eisvogel
anna.kraft: Raureif 2 am 31.12.2024
mapecard: "Alta montanha".
Carnets d'un observateur du Sud de la France: La camargue en hiver...entre tamaris et roselières...(Parc ornitho Pont de Gau - Camargue - 29 décembre 2024)
diana_robinson: Traffic near Parliament Square in Westminster with Big Ben in the background at Blue Hour
Kulama: Nuthatch-1940
antpesare: Lecce
robertovillaopere: Alzavola - Anas crecca - Teale
NickWakeling: Red-breasted Merganisers
valpil58 II: Waiting for Spring.
RJSchutDigitaal: Pimpelmees - Eurasian Blue Tit - Blaumeise - Cyanistes caeruleus