andreas_fery: Waldkauz - Tawny Owl (Strix aluco)
Spirithills (Leah): Hippos in the Lafupa river
joerg2019: Got Fish!
timvermicon: Sunday Fox (5) (Explore 5/20/24)
GHC2000: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
GHC2000: Bronzy Inca
judith.kuhn: two one a branch
Céline Boilard: Nyctale de Tengmalm \ Boreal Owl
Carlos. B: Iphiclides podalirius
Wellington H Pracz: EUEIDES ISABELLA
Kay-Augustin-Photographie: Neugieriger Fuchswelpe
Joan González_Miratges: ALASKA THE LAST FRONTIER Faith Above The Sea
SkyeWeasel: Time and Tide Wait for No Photographer
Anna Kwa: You Are Where I Want To Go
Jarek S. "Jerry": Goosanders
karindebruin: Storm Isha hitting the Coast!
claudialohmanns: eins, zwei, drei, vier Blanche neige et les trois bisons
Elles van Pinxteren: Fransje gets a moustache... 😊