Mary Warren 21.5 Million Views: Wheaton, IL, Cantigny Park, Zinnia (?) Flower
Greg-Johnston: Vineward in the valley
Greg-Johnston: Road to the lookout
Greg-Johnston: The Barn
Greg-Johnston: Ship Creek
Greg-Johnston: In the shadow of the mountains
Greg-Johnston: Blue hour
andrea.maspero: Dal rosone al campanile.
andrea.maspero: Come in una cornice.
Tatyana_v_727: Let the mind beware, that though the flesh be bugged, the circumstances of existence are pretty glorious.Jack Kerouac, The Dharma Bums
Roger Wasley: Levant Hawkmoth ♂ Theretra alecto
Mary Warren 21.5 Million Views: Glencoe, IL, Chicago Botanic Garden, Pink Lily
cantilena91: Saturday sunshine I
cantilena91: Saturday sunshine II
Cap001 - Dan: ZION NP - 022422--850_9678_15513
BDC Photography: _DSC7147e ~ South Lake Tahoe
Mike__Johnson: RK McMillan Park, Mississauga
smiladrasouli: Waiting to act
DreamEstel: One hoof at a time
jarrodford3: Between Two Dives
Jabi Artaraz: Calma chicha
Jabi Artaraz: Light
renatashurrock: Planet of Frogs
renatashurrock: Save for a rainy day
renatashurrock: Sunbirdoodle