tlhatfield: Ruffed Grouse
cowgirlrightup: In the Spirit of Winter
Turk Images: Least Sandpiper
John A. McCrae: “ . . . mystery is more evident in certain things . . . in the colour yellow . . .” ~ Jorge Luis Borges
geelog: Great Blue Herons cycling Carburn Park Oct 2023
John Andersen (JPAndersen images): ethereal Chester Sky Drama
Bob Gunderson: Killdeer
geelog: White-faced Ibis
Turk Images: Pronghorn Antelope
Bob Gunderson: Bullock's Oriole - Fledgling
Tony LePrieur: Least Flycatchers
lynnespo181: Rainforest
tlhatfield: Great Horned Owl
Richard Mouser: Felix returns! Red Wing Blackbird In Flight June 2023
Smacauley: Cross Orbweavers
Gabriel FW Koch: Featherless Necks
Bob Gunderson: Cassin's Kingbird
Turk Images: Blue-winged Teal - Male
amandyg: Abraham Lake
Bob Gunderson: Orange-crowned Warbler
Bob Gunderson: Olive-sided Flycatcher
Bob Gunderson: Blackburnian Warbler Singing Yellow Warbler 2023
Turk Images: Stilt Sandpiper
Clém VDB: Tu Dors?
Bob Gunderson: Rock Wren
tlhatfield: Great Horned Owl